Have you ever created an app before, either for Android or iPhone? How did it go?
I have been meaning to learn Android Studio and Swift development for some time now, so I am glad we got the opportunity. I was supposed to use Android Studio during the last Hackathon I attended, but the team I had formed and made this plan with dropped out last minute. I had a lot of fun learning app development with Android Studio. It is very similar to what I use to teach my Computer Science Principles class (App Labs on Code.org), so I am glad they get that experience as well.
Do you have any ideas for apps that you could create for recreation? What about business?
As I mentioned, I had a plan with a Hackathon group to create an app on Android Studio. I would still like to do it! The idea was for a game that navigates through a female protagonist’s barriers in “making it” in the tech industry. As for business, I would be interested in fleshing out “Call Out” — the web-based environment for women I helped develop for HackXX.
Update your learning journal from what you experienced this week with class.
Between this class and AP tests coming up for my students, this week has been very busy! But I am incredibly glad that I got to do some practical Android app development. I learned how to create multi-screen apps using Intents and Activities.